Back To Business
Getting on the boat & getting situated to start our “planned” projects.
Before I get down to what we’ve been up to in the last week, I’m going to “get real” about a few things.
I’m unfortunately dealing with some discouraging thoughts today. I don’t know why a bunch of negative stuff has decided to form a raincloud above my head, but it has today. These thoughts consist of questions like: Is it going to be too crowded with boats in the Sea of Cortez? Is our boat going to be super slow with all of the stuff we have on it? Is my studying Spanish daily for the last several months going to actually pay off when we get to Mexico? Is the weather going to be crummy? Will we get good residents to rent out our house while we’re gone? Is this voyage/sailing around the Sea of Cortez going to end up being a disappointment?
I know, I’m future tripping. All I can do is my best & hope that the Universe will meet me half way. I’m usually pretty optimistic. But thought I’d share this just in case anyone thought my head was only full of sunshine & fairies. I’ll eventually turn my thoughts around. Usually venting all this stuff out in the open helps. Now all of you can think of these things too! 😄
Okay, back to boat stuff…The other day, when we got on our boat in the evening to stay overnight & work on stuff, we had a bit of a surprise. I went to get some velcro out of the port-side cubby in the main cabin & found it swimming in a bit of water.
This was a result from heeling over way too much the week before when we went out. The gunnels were touching the water & it ended up getting in our cubbies - which are around gunnel level.
Needless to say, we gave up on our projects, that we thought we were going to work on that night, to soak up all the water & dry things out.
Not the worst thing. All you can do is be glad it’s fairly minor & make light of it.
Matt pressure-washed the dinghy. As you can see below, it really needed it. And afterwards we lifted it up on the forward deck. We were assured by Colin that this was the best thing to do while sailing down the coast. -Which we knew in the back of our minds but didn’t love the idea because it covers up the hatches & didn’t want it to be in the way of the genoa when it’s pulled out. But dragging the dinghy can cause worse problems.
Whoo-hoo! There is a new video out this week! The special thing in this episode is that my sister, Brynley, our niece, Ayla, & our brother (in-law), are in this video! Have fun watching!
I’m going to have to get back to you next week with our other accomplishments. It’s getting tricky to come out with a blog & a video these days. I’m being pulled like an octopus who has only 2 arms. It’s good though. Over half of my daily tasks are enjoyable. I’m pretty lucky.
Come out & play with me!
Thanks for reading? We’re now less than 2 months away from taking off! It doesn’t quite feel real yet. -Which is maybe contributing to the reason I’m feeling a little blue. Don’t worry though. I’ll bounce back.