Mish-Mash Paddywhack...
I actually forget this nursery rhyme or whatever it is but it sounds perfect for the jumble of information that I'm about to post.
Zephyr trying so hard not to fall asleep on this beautiful day.
We did get in some great sails for a couple days in the last two weeks! Sunny, good wind but cold. Can't wait to get to a place where the sun means I can wear a bikini while sailing! But for now I will count my blessings & be very thankful for these amazing times to take our boat out.
Still arranging/cleaning up our boat after getting the galley back into place. Our v-berth is re-assembled so that we can spend the night again soon. However, the boat projects continue. But that's just the norm for owning a boat. I have let go the need for things to be perfect to allow ourselves to enjoy the boat in any capacity we can.
Matt taking over the helm so I can get a little break from the cold.
One reason this post is a little bit of a jumble is that my sister, Brynley & her daughter -my niece, Ayla came out to Santa Cruz for a few days. They live on Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. So it takes them like ten light years to get here. Wish they could have stayed longer than 4 nights but the weather wasn't the most cooperative & there was a cold going around amongst us. -Which made for a little less than ideal visit. Still it was so wonderful to see them!
Here are a few photos of our time last week:
Touchdown NorCal!
The first full day we went to Roaring Camp in Felton, CA. We took the train through the redwoods. So pretty. It'd been a while since I had been -which made it fun to experience it through Ayla's eyes. It was the first time she'd see such big trees!
Roaring Camp Railroad!
The 2nd full day we spent at the Monterey Bay Aquarium! Really fascinating to see through a 3.5 year old's eyes. I feel very fortunate to live so close & to be able to share this with our niece. We were even lucky enough to visit back in October with our nephews: Joshua & Logan. Being there definitely reminds me not to take our oceans for granted.
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Someday I will be reunited with the tropical fish of the South Pacific!
I am happy that they got to see our boat. We didn't go out on it. The weather was slightly rainy & I think the waves & wind were a bit unpleasant that day. Plus, there's not any way for me to convince my sister that she & Ayla should definitely experience sailing with 5 layers of clothing on! They have tons of opportunities to go sailing in more enjoyable conditions.
Ayla found her spot on MerSea!
Princess of the World!
Love these girls so much! It was so fun having them here! Hopefully we'll meet up soon in a warmer place. Can't wait until we can sail on over to them!
Now we're back to focusing on MerSea. -Both sailing her & fixing her up more. The Channel Islands are looming ahead in October for us to sail to. We better start getting ready.
We need to do regular sailing to both different anchorages & harbors in our bay. Hoping we can do Moss Landing in the next week or so. -If the weather co-operates with us. Come on perfect weather, wind & seas! You know you want to be our friends & make our sailing dreams come true!
I've decided to conjure up some Channel Islands photos from the web to motivate me, Matt & Zephyr -yes Zephyr needs some motivation. You saw the first photo above. He's getting complacent & sleepy on sails. He needs to get pumped about visiting new places to pee & bark at new birds!
Well, that's it for this week. I think I'll have a more solid post next week. At least let's hope for that! -Lot's of fun stories of sailing & progress!
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