Mumbo, Jumbo, gumbo
What do the objects above have in common?
(Guess & then scroll to bottom of page to find out.)
Today’s post is containing a bunch of thoughts from a calm but scattered mind. Yes, calm. I am feeling calm. Although maybe I shouldn’t be so calm. Well, I say, screw that! I am going to go with the calmness right now. ‘Cause it could all change tomorrow & come crumbling down! -Just something to think about today before you start your meditation.
Relaxing or unnerving?
Matt told me to keep it positive this week. So not going to tell you how last week started out. Let’s just say that things are not like they were a week ago…. Sometimes I like to keep things mysterious.
How was your week? What would you like to throw in the garbage from it & what would you like to keep in a bottle? -And possibly sell for a profit?
I hope it was great! I hope that you all could find some fun way to enjoy the heat. -I mean, was it cold anywhere? I happen to love the heat & so I felt normal for several days. There were sundresses, shorts & tank tops involved!
Let’s see, what should I discuss this week? Well, I’m going to probably make this a short one. I’m having a sense that next week’s post will be a long one. -Most likely all good. It’s going to be a busy week though & I need to discipline myself to take a ton of photos & video, (fingers crossed) to document all of the enjoyable chaos.
Oh, oh video. I am still trying to figure out this whole video thing. I love the idea of making videos. -At least the shooting of them. But the technology with cameras & then editing are overwhelming me right now. Trying to watch videos on how to do this. However, a lot or most are over my head. I think I might need to find a tutor. Should I hang out at the local highschool? Probably the pre-school. I think they might be at the age that is most up to date with the digital world. We tried to get Zephyr into coding, graphic design, etc. but he is kind of a slacker & just likes to bark & play with his Foxies. I guess this is why people have real children.
Me trying to make a video a few weeks ago. Procrastinating on figuring out how to edit it.
People often ask me, or they should ask me, what it’s like to live with a boat project superhero? Well, it’ll sure make you feel lazy no matter how much work you do. It’s also kind of like you had a fairy godmother! -Except they mostly wear t-shirts & khaki pants that show their wear & tear, carry around a multi-tool instead of a wand & curse bad instructions or the lack of them from new technology manuals. He will sing though. You must have cookies for him for doing things like: cleaning all of the canvas, changing the engine oil, fixing the topping lift, making sure the anchor is what we need, climbing the mast & installing too many things to mention, working on the solar power, installing a water heater, hooking us up with AIS, installing our outboard mount, adding a 3rd battery, more I can’t even think of. So Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo that, Fairy Godmother!
Matt changes the oil while I watch & hopefully learn something.
What I’m most scared of right now, in relation to our trip: Being cold. We have a couple of long night sails coming up. And I wish we could bring one of those triangular heaters that restaurants use & put it in the cockpit. Are there other more important things I should worry about? Hmmm…. Maybe. Yet, coldness…. well, it sends shivers up my spine -both literally & figuratively. I’m sure I’ll get through it though. At least going south. The real question is, will I want to go back up north? I’m kind of betting on the answer being, no. I’m also betting that Matt will make the decision for me.
This will probably be the kind of weather we will be encountering.
However, my mind pictures experiencing this at night.
This is what would be a great & delightful surprise if we experienced this going down to SoCal. #yeahright!
Happy Birthday Brenda! It’s my mother-in-law’s birthday in 2 days! So send her happy wishes & gifts! We love you Moma Watson! Hope you are spoiled decadently!
Sailing word of the week: Avast! -Stop! Use it all throughout this week whenever you are about to say: stop, quit it, shut your mouth, etc. And then tell me how people reacted to this.
You can use this hand signal for dramatic effect with Avast!
Gratuitous Zephyr shot.
Thanks so much for reading! Head to the contact page if you have any questions or comments. See you next week!
*Oh & nothing, those objects have nothing in common.