Sea Of Cortez Candy!
Hooray! We have a new video up! We hope you really, really enjoy it, as I didn’t write much for this blog. -It’s a long video! But it’s a video that shows a lot of the beauty of the Sea of Cortez. We start getting into the groove of a slightly more relaxed cruising life. -Or at least a much more enjoyable cruising life. It’s always nice to spend time exploring the area you worked so hard to get to. There’s always boat work to be done. However, during this week, things were less urgent & we got to create more of a balance between work & play.
So read less & watch more! Click below to see if the Sea of Cortez might be a place you’d like to visit!
Sunrise in Los Frailes.
Matt says, “Protect yourself from the sun’s rays!”.
The Bay of the changing name: Bahia de Los Muertos to Bahia de Los Sueños.
Balandra Bay
Mexican Mackerel
Fishing for edible candy!
Bahia Falsa may be by a highway but it’s peaceful & calm.
Buenos dias!
Yep, it’s just a few pics this week. It’s a visual week & not an introspective/diary kind of week. But I hope you enjoy it just the same. -Or maybe even more!
Our favorite Eye Candy!
Thanks for looking & reading some & watching our video! We are so lucky to have you here! Come back next week, where we find a magical little bay all to ourselves! Until then, call someone you love.