The Neverendinging Stormy……. Weather Of Santa Cruz…

Okay, this might be an exageration but it feels like our sky has been like this.


Actually, if you live most anywhere in California, or maybe even the world right now, you’re experiencing weather not exactly conducive to spending time outside. And it’s been pretty much this way since January 1st. We’ve been lucky though, as opposed to all the people who own property & homes that have been affected by these storms.

However, I’m not going to talk about the weather. Just know that we will be sailing again when there is a good break to do so. -And, that we have been able to be productive with the rain going on!

Waiting for this kind of sky.


We did spend time on the boat! While it was raining, I took the time to start learning about the places we’ll be stopping at in Mexico. -Very exciting! Basically our voyage will be in 4 different parts. Part 1: California Coast. -Which we’ve mostly done already. Then Part 2: The west coast of Baja with the Baja HaHa. -This will be nice, as we’ll be sailing with a ton of other boats. Part 3: A small part of the west coast of mainland Mexico. And lastly, Part 4: The Sea of Cortez. And while I wasn’t doing that, Zephyr & I decided to start comparing our taste in style. It turns out we have the same knitted headband. You can let us know at the bottom who you think looks better in it.

Who wore it better?


What did Matt do this last week? Matt changed out our old deep cycle battery. So we now have two new house batteries. He & a friend experimented putting up the tarp a couple different ways to see the what the best set up would be. During a windy & rainy night, our friend volunteered to sleep outside to see what that would feel like! Don’t worry, he was bundled up. And we let him back inside in the morning so he could dry off. 😄 Matt also cleaned up some wire runs so the wires are more organized & less likely to get worn & broken. Plus, he changed out the toilet flushing mechanism! It was so stiff that it was a workout to pump it to flush! Now it feels like we live in luxury!

Put up the tarp again.


We got a lot more stuff in boxes. Still emptying our house out. So much of it is sentimental. -Which makes it harder to get rid of. I’ve inherited stuff from my great grandparents, grandparents & parents. -Most of which I just can’t part with. Although, this does make it easier to get rid of anything that I’ve bought for myself throughout my life. Matt pointed out that I have more stuff than him. -However, most of his stuff was already in the garage!! Toys & tools! So I actually think we’re even.

Packing, selling, donating & trashing.


I have to say it’s wonderful to make some headway in all different aspects of our future trip. It’s fun to check things off of our lists. On the other hand, for everything we check off, we find something new to be done. Of course, whether it’s a boat, a house, a business, a child… there is always something more. All we can hope for is that we get the important stuff done before we leave. In my mind, nothing is so important that we won’t be able to leave. Actually, there probably is something but we’re leaving regardless!!!

Yes, I will model for treats!

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned to see how many times we make it to the boat this week. Will the rain stop? Will we be able to go sailing? Will Zephyr surprise us & talk to us in Spanish? Come back next week to see what has transpired!


Celebrating Women Who Sail!


‘Twas A Productive Week!