This is our ToDo List that I made right after we got back from our voyage at the end of October. Nothing has been checked off. 😭
Well, between training a new employee, fighting a cold, doing a seminar, rainy weather, working, setting up the holiday stuff, & trying to do the regular household tasks, we did not find the time to get down to the boat this last week. -Even though it’s only a mile away from our house!
It was even the lighted boat parade was this weekend. And we missed that too. It was cold & raining during that time. -Which is the only consolation I can think of. Our dock-mates must think we’ve died & left our boat to disintegrate by itself at the harbor. But I’m going to make it a point to show up in person in the next couple of days!
So I’m at a loss of what to come up with for this week’s post. Here were some ideas that I came up with:
“Matt, do you want to write the blog for this week?” “No.”
“Zephyr, do you want to write the blog for this week?” He said he’d do it for a side of beef & I told him that was going to be impossible. And then he said, “Well, have fun figuring out what to write for your little blog then!” And I said, “Hey Mister, you don’t talk to me like that!” But he just went to his dog bed & sulked at me.
Should I just pretend we went out sailing? No, I don’t want to lie.
Should I just keep quiet & hope no one will notice? No, cause I made a commitment to this blog & I don’t want to give up this week even if I have nothing to write about.
My precious boys. -Pretending their asleep so I won’t ask them again about writing the blog.
I could use this photo from a couple of months ago & pretend it was current & that we were just re-creating the scene from right before we left on our trip. But I’m not that kind of girl.
On an awesome note, Matt’s boss, Joe, gave his blessing for Matt to take off next year for 6 months! I thought he would. He traveled all over the world when he was younger. So he understands the need for us to go out & explore. Actually, Matt won’t really be “off” work. He’ll be working from the boat along the way. But there will be a few things that he’ll need someone else to take car of during the time we’re sailing.
So that’s pretty much a green light for us! I’ll be discussing more details about our plans in the following posts. Just wanted to share the excitement that we can now race around like crazy people to get everything in order by the end of September!
We’ll be here in November 2023!
Another exciting note is that I met with my doctor today & I’m pretty damn healthy! I’ve been feeling really great this year! My autoimmune issues are under control! So, if you’re reading this, Dr. Marcus, thank you so so much! There’s no way I could have come this far without you!
So that’s pretty much it for this last week. It was a good week, a busy week but not necessarily a week having anything to do with our boat. I’m sure you were all waiting to see what broke or fell apart on MerSea in the last month. However, we won’t even know until we get there in the next day or so. Hopefully, the only thing that makes us cry is how cold it is before we turn on the heater inside.
And now for gratuitous Zephyrness….
In case you didn’t see this posted already online:
Here’s a new hotel I’m establishing:
Cuteness in every room!
Thanks for reading everyone! I have taken an oath that we will get to the boat this week so that we can share updates regarding the star of this website - MerSea! So get ready for a super exciting post next week!!! 😁