"She woke in the morning
She knew that her life had passed her by
And she called out a warning
Don't ever let life pass you by
I suggest we learn to love ourselves before it's made illegal
When will we learn? When will we change?
Just in time to see it all fall down
Those left standing will make millions
Writing books on the way it should have been
She woke in the morning
She knew that her life had passed her by
And she called out a warning, warning
Don't ever let life pass you by"
Warning by Incubus 2001
I am interupting this week's post to bring up something I think very important for all of us to contemplate. -I was going to do sailing vocabulary but thought this needed to be written now instead.
In the last year, there have been many people I've known who were taken away from this world. And then there have also been people who were close to friends & family, that I did not know, who are no longer here.
Photo by Elizabeth Olson on Pexels.com
The fact is that I don't know what these loved ones felt or were thinking before they died. I can speculate that about half of them lead lives in which they felt fufilled & were happy for the most part. I also speculate that the other half probably made due with what they had & didn't dare strive for what their heart really desired. They played it safe. This is only my opinion & I know I've played it safe in my life at times so I can't blame anyone for letting fear overcome trying for what you want.
Photo by Josh Sorenson on Pexels.com
Truth is though, I would rather die trying for something spectacular than sitting around being content with something nice, something safe, something known.
Now, I'm not talking about going towards dreams with reckless abandon. -Although, that has worked for some. I think you can take baby steps towards something day by day. Sometimes you fall but it won't be far. You'll be able to pick yourself up again & take another step & go forward. The next thing you know, you're half way up the mountain. Pretty awesome huh?
Photo by julie aagaard on Pexels.com
I can go into more deeply this at some other time but I do have let a lot of insecurities that have prevented me from striving forward. I have let fear rule my life. The thing is though, that we ALL fail. If you look at anyone you admire & study their life, they've fallen down many times but gotten back up & moved foreward. So is that really a failure if they don't let a setback prevent them from reaching their goal? I don't think so. My husband says he doesn't fail. -Which may sound ignorant but I think he's right. He works on something until he succeeds. I have no idea how he doesn't get discouraged when things take longer than he expected or if there's some kind of setback. But he carries on. I am NOT like this by nature. Guess how many unfinished projects are hiding around our house in the garage or in closets? -I'll have no idea if you guessed correctly because I have no idea. I've hit a wall so many times thinking that I'm just not capable of doing something correctly.
Photo by Evgenia Basyrova on Pexels.com
I am working towards taking a beat though. -Taking a breath. -Then figuring out what my next step can be instead of starting over on some new project. I have tons of inner voices telling me I'm not worthy & what makes me think I can achieve something great but I'm learning to tell them to F... OFF & move on past them. Elizabeth Gilbert wrote something incredible about fear in her book, Big Magic. In fact she speaks to her fear:
“There’s plenty of room in this vehicle for all of us, so make yourself at home, but understand this: Creativity and I are the only ones who will be making any decisions along the way. I recognize and respect that you are part of this family, and so I will never exclude you from our activities, but still—your suggestions will never be followed. You’re allowed to have a seat, and you’re allowed to have a voice, but you are not allowed to have a vote.”
So what do you want in your life? What do you want for yourself? Maybe all you want is to be comfortable & find peace & happiness in small things. -Which is great! If you're a parent & you're fufilled because you're teaching your child to love themselves & to be compassionate towards others, that is awesome too. -That's definitely no small feat! But if there's a nagging itch that is gnawing at your insides, telling you that you need to move on towards something that feeds your soul, don't ignore it. Work with it. Don't let the big picture overwhelm you; as it has so many times in my life. My mom has always said that I like to go from A-Z. Do I really have to deal with the rest of the alphabet? I'm 50 now & I'm done with that kind of crap!
Photo by Elianne Dipp on Pexels.com
Don't get me wrong, my life is pretty awesome now. I've worked on myself to get through all the bullshit. I'm still working on myself. For the most part though, I'm happy inside. That took a lot of work. -And is still taking work. However, I know I'm not meant to sit here & be like, "Well, I'm good now so I can sit back & relax!". There's a big world out there that I'm meant to explore. I need to go out & push myself past my comfort zone & be of service in some way to bring joy to the world. God knows the world needs it.
Photo by Mo on Pexels.com
I suggest, since you're still alive -as you're reading this right now, that you take stock of your life & be thankful for anything that is good in it & then figure out what makes you thrive, what makes you happy, what makes you focus on yourself instead of judging others & move towards whatever that is. -Even if you're 90! There's no age limit to finding purpose & joy in your life! And if you're already there, that is awesome & I wish you more of that!
So go & listen/watch this song.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoPlkmYaEQs -although the video is a little on the dark side -which I don't want to convey anything so bleak. So you might just want to hear the song. -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb43ux8cRNU
And then watch this; because it's funny & you might need some levity right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3cTPS5B_5w&list=PLo5_x6SFT0IPqjErtqqHf3vQIPP-gFOeH&index=13
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