We Crossed The Border!: October 28th - 31st, 2023
OMG! It’s taken forever to get this up! Our access to Wi-Fi has been almost non-existent lately. And when we do want to upload or download something, it takes hours & hours.
One example is that it took almost 8 hours to download the latest video over a couple of days. However, the soul crushing event came when it had uploaded 85% & then stopped. Yeah, we need a StarLink. -I’ll explain what that is if we are lucky enough to get one in the future.
So, in order to actually get this out, I’m going to be a little short on words & hope the photos will do for now.
We left San Diego at 2:15 AM on Saturday the 28th. -Although I don’t think we were out of the harbor until 3 AM. I motored the boat until we were completely out of the bay. Then Matt took over & let me sleep until 6:30 AM.
When I woke up, we were in Mexico! It was a beautiful sunrise & we were just going past the Coronado’s. The sun was coming up from the east & the full moon was setting in the west. So beautiful! We motored along for several hours. We got into Ensenada around 4 PM.
The tide was extremely low & it was super windy. So, it was a little sketchy to get into the harbor. Unfortunately, we weren’t allowed to get fuel until we checked into the country. -Which is nice to do on the way in so that we can just leave whenever we want without having to make sure that the fuel dock is open.
Our slip, that was assigned to us, was taken by some other person. Therefore, we pulled into another slip & thankfully dock manager gave us the OK to stay there. There were people on the dock that helped us get into the slip amongst the surge & windiness. They talked to Matt for a little bit & said that they could let us out of the gate. That meant we had to immediately leave right away. In this marina you need the key to both get in & out of the gate.
So, instead of changing & getting all the paperwork organized & taking a breath before we left the boat, we had to leave in a bit of a frazzled state. It all worked out fine though. We checked in to Marina Coral, who has the most helpful staff, & then ran across the freeway to get to the supermarket!
Thankfully, we got to go to dinner, after we freshened up, with Zephyr in tow. It was delicious!
Marina Coral is a wonderful hotel & marina! They have the best facilities! I even took a photo of their laundry room because it puts pretty much all other laundry rooms to shame.
We stayed in Ensenada for a few days. -Mostly because we had to stay the weekend to wait for Monday, when we could finally check in to immigration. Thankfully, I had most of the paperwork done & then the hotel helped us complete the rest of the process. This included a shuttle to downtown Ensenada!
Aside from the very steep ramp from the dock to the sidewalk, Marina Coral will be missed! Although, it is a bit of a distance from downtown, the comfort is worth it!
Leaving Ensenada late in the morning, we were able to sail out of the bay. Matt also caught a fish before even a half hour had passed! We are pretty sure it was a mackerel. Very tasty!
Then we had a night motor down to San Quintin Bay. Pretty uneventful, thankfully!
And that is where I’ll leave you all for this week. -Just so I can get this out for tomorrow morning!
The leftovers of dinner are mine!
Thanks for reading! Hoping to have a video up next week but we’ll see. We appreciate your patience!