Anchorage Hopping To Santa Rosalia: November 22nd - 24th, 2024
This week’s blog is going to be exceptionally short. Wifi access is very limited so just going to get out a short video & a short blog.
It’s more of a transitional week anyway. We go from the north part of the Gulf of California to the south. I feel like there’s a big difference. It definitely starts getting warmer. There are more islands to see & more towns & anchorages along the way.
Leaving Puerto Don Juan.
Bahia San Francisquito
On our way to Santa Rosalia.
Arriving at Santa Rosalia at 4AM!
A very mini video! You can watch it on your 5 minute work break!
Yep! Our last overnight sail/motor for a while. Not too sad about that. Much better when we can see everything while traveling.
Zephyr, not sure if he wants to go on a walk. He was quite comfy during the overnight voyage.
Thanks for keeping up with us! Come back next week for a fun time in Santa Rosalia!