Back In February…

This is…umm…yeah, we have no idea what it used to be/is.

I am pressed for time these days, so this will be another short blog. However, the video is a full-length video!

We show you the live action experience from Santa Rosalia. And yes, it was 5 months ago that we were there. I am going to have to figure out how to get it together enough to post a video a week for our next voyage so we aren’t soooo faaarrr behind!

Unfortunately there is some shaky footage. But I hope you can bear with it, as it’s of the old copper mill. And it’s pretty interesting. Trust me, you don’t want to miss it. -Unless you have faith that the shaky footage thing will be a thing of the past when we are back in Santa Rosalia & film it again. But will we film it again? That is the question…

Anyway, click on the pic below to watch!


Click on us to check out our Santa Rosalia video!


Yeah, next season one of my goals’ is to get better at filming. Digital cameras are much more complicated than they would seem. Hopefully, my brain can sponge up some more information on shooting with my cameras before October rolls around. Wish me luck!

Matt & I take a Zephyr snuggle when the moment presents itself.

Thanks for reading & watching. -Or at least doing one or the other. However, if you are reading this, that means you are reading. How meta is that?! Next week we will be back with a blog on San Felipe. -Our 2nd to last stop on this voyage! Until then, keep cool. I know, if you’re a fan of ours your already cool!


San Felipe: March 2nd - 4th


Getting To The Top: February 26th - March 2nd, 2024