In Da House!
We spent the last week in the house getting more & more stuff out of it. Although, there is quite a bit more that we need to organize. So, it’s hard to make it look pretty while getting stuff in boxes & working on projects. Luckily, we had a few photos from a while ago & we can use those to put in the ad to rent out our house.
While I have been putting millions of “everything” in storage boxes, Matt has been fixing up a ton of things. -Like touching up paint. Actually, more like re-painting a ton of surfaces. He’s also been making the inside & outside of our house look nicer than it has in a while! Maybe we should move out more often!
Just wanted to add a photo of Matt because he doesn’t take selfies & I was busy taking care. of my work. So I didn’t get a pic of him working hard on fixing up things around the house. I thought this photo would be fun to throw into the mix.
Our backyard all fixed up!
One thing that I wanted to mention this week, is that we have earnestly wanted to take friends out for a sail on MerSea. But there are so many issues in the way. Can we get under the bridge? How strong is the wind? Is the weather going to be enjoyable for our friends? Do they get seasick? Can they go out on a weekday? Plus, we’ve been doing a lot of work on the boat. -Which has taken priority over sailing lately. Although, once the tides get low enough during the day time & we hope to go out sometime soon.
Anyone is welcome to call or text us & see if we are on the boat. If we are, then come over & hang out on MerSea at the dock. It’ll force us to take a break! Bring over some cider for Matt & flavored, soda water for me. Don’t worry about Zephyr. He’s got a stash of something, somewhere on the boat. Sometimes I swear he drinks coffee behind our backs!
Unfortunately, we don’t have the option of going out every day with a ton of friends like the O’Neil catamaran.
Yes! I got the sewing done on all of the panels for the cockpit. I just have to put the holes in them. -The grommets. I decided to get outdoor velcro ties to attach them to the railing around the cockpit. In turn, I’m almost excited to do some night sailing along the coast, just to test them out! I think I can wait a couple of months though. This warm weather has been heavenly.
From production at home…
To the dream realized on the boat!
I feel a lot less stressed about getting the house ready before we leave. In fact, now there are times, I realize, something I need is actually on our boat instead of in the house. -Which I definitely don’t mind. No, not exactly convenient, but it makes me happy how empty most of the closets & shelves are here. Too bad they won’t let us live on our boat. -No dogs allowed for live-aboards. Bummer! On the other hand, we will be here mostly next week while my sis & her family are here. So excited! We will be forced to enjoy our waking hours!
I love licking the empty container of plain yogurt! Thanks Daddy! Just got to make sure I get every last bit of it.
That was delicious! Are you making fun of my yogurt brow again?
Yogurt brow up close!
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