Little Post, Big Video
Today’s blog is a quick, little blog. My sis & her family are coming up tomorrow for a week. So, there really wasn’t any way to have time to write down words of wisdom or at least one’s that you could understand. However, we do have a new video out to help with any procrastination you may need. Click on the photo above to check it out!
We did have friends that took us up on our offer to come over & hang out! So you too can get a hold of us for a fun BBQ & distract us from our responsibilities.
Thanks Brian & Sean for breaking up our boat work!
Matt installed a new magic wand on our boat! Hopefully we will have an abundance of WiFi access.
Behold! Our own space tower!
Since the panels are coming upon completion, I really want to change out our janky, fish-net holders.
Behind me, my next project.
We did get some entertainment this week! It seems that seagulls are now getting in on the circus arts with everyone else!
Seagull acrobatics
I’m guessing next week that I’ll be less rushed & more able to send out a proper blog. Thanks for your understanding & patience.
Go away! I don’t smell breakfast yet! I need my beauty sleep!
Thanks for checking out the post this week! Don’t forget to hop on over to YouTube for our newest video. Click on the button below if you’re intrigued: