Take A Jump Into Your Life!
Matt & I, & possibly Zephyr, were watching a documentary series on Netflix, Life on Our Planet. Apparently, there have been 5 mass extinctions, since the beginning of earth’s time. Another mass extinction doesn’t seem like it would be too far off in the future. Probably not in our lifetimes, but you never know. However each of us, individually, becomes extinct. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time right now to jump into your own life to it’s fullest extent. -Whatever, that would mean to you. -Taking that art class, traveling to the place you’ve always wanted to go to, writing that book that you can’t get out of your head, starting that traveling restaurant idea or even learning how to sail. No excuses! You’re not too old. Yes, you might have to learn a few things in order to get going but get going on them! The sooner you can bring yourself joy, the sooner you can bring others joy.
And start now! Don’t wait until New Year’s Day. If you start now, you’ll have almost 2 months on the people that start on their goals on January 1st! I’m gonna check in on you around a month from now!
If you’ve already started on your new goal or adventure, hooray! Let us all know in the comments below what your new endeavor is!
Anyway, back to what’s going on with us. I’ve made a mini video of the little footage Matt took while he was in Santa Fe. It’s short. Kind of like a music video!
We’ve been super busy! If you subscribe to the newletter, each week you’ll get a sneak peak at what’s going on in our lives in real time!
Rub my belly!
Thanks for reading! We’ll have a normal length video next week. I just thought it might be fun to put out mini videos between each of the longer ones. -Kind of like little appetizers! Until next Wednesday, invent your own autumnal kind of beverage!