Slowly Getting Through the Goals
List of Goals on Our Fridge
We've been checking off items on this list little by little. #s 1 - 3 are done & taken care of. #4 - we've been trying. However, with the fires going on & air quality not being great we have been waiting to resume this. #5 - I have definitely been looking at boats at the harbor & online. #6 - we have started doing this. Wishing we could save up more per month. #7 - I have read my friend's blog several times & underlined important things to take note of. #8 - Matt & I need to still do this. I'm hoping we can buy a boat in a month or so, start doing overnight sails this winter close by, maybe sail to the Channel Islands in the next year & the year after start sailing down to Mexico. Matt lives in the "What is possible now?" world. And I live in the "How do we MAKE this possible now?" world. So we have to see where the compromise will take us. #9 - We did finally get a life jacket for Zephyr & now just have to take him out on the water.
Zephyr in his stylish new life jacket!
I'll be honest. I have been seriously obsessing over the 36' Catalina in the Santa Cruz Harbor that is for sale! It's out of our budget right now. But does it have to be? I'd get a loan in a heartbeat if Matt was on board. (Pun intended.) I can totally picture the 3 of us on it: Sailing on it, eating meals on it, sleeping on it, cleaning it & even doing maintenance on it. Where are the boat angels when I need them?! Just trying to trust though that whatever boat is the best for us will come eventually. Can "eventually" be next month?
So yes, I have my head in the clouds & Matt always has his feet on the ground. He is the ant & I am the grasshopper. He is the reason we have some savings & I am the reason we have traveled. We do balance each other out. He reminds me that it's good to have security & I remind him that it's good to have fun. It can be a tug of war sometimes. -Especially since he bases actions on facts & I base them on faith. Below is a photo of us in Morocco last year. After 9 years of basically throwing tantrums that we, or I at least, needed to go to Morocco he agreed & it was an amazing trip. I'd show pictures of us working or putting money into savings but those aren't exactly moments I think of capturing in our lives.
Us in Morocco
Hopefully I will have some sailing photos for next week. I am desperate to get out on the water again!