Snorkeling In Bahia de Balandra: December 13th, 2024
Finally, here it is! -The snorkeling footage you’ve been waiting for!
We made it back to Bahia de Balandra. And we were pretty stoked how clear it was. I’m glad I decided to bring the GoPro into the water & also have Matt take some footage.
Balandra is a nice place to go if you want to snorkel in shallower water. There are many deep places there but starting off we decided to explore the super shallow water. I mean, just the water itself is beautiful! Click below to see for yourself.
Since there’s not really a blog this week I thought I’d pass on some of the things we’ve been watching that we’ve loved. You will have to check on what platform things are on right now, as I know the shows all get switched & traded.
If you’ve read the book & loved it, you’ll probably love the 1st half of this mini-series. It’s one of the few stories that have been transformed from a novel that is depicted so beautifully & probably even better than I imagined in my head.
This series ended some few years ago but we decided to give it a try & loved it! The acting, writing, cinematography, everything… is amazing! It is incredibly dark, sometimes gory -which we don’t love, & funny in kind of a diabolical way. Basically to say that it’s not for everyone. It’s refreshing though, to see a show that has so many strong female leads! I’m sad it had to end.
Narrated by Barack Obama, this is a lovely look at all of the earth’s ocean’s. Of course the cinematography is gorgeous! It’s pretty informative. And if you haven’t already started to care about what’s happening to the ocean’s on the earth, this will probably lead you into doing so. So watcher beware.
If you have been addicted to the North American version, you will probably be very intrigued by this one. That’s all I’ll say. I don’t want to give anything away.
Yes, we have already watched all of these episodes. But it’s fun to go back & watch some of them again. -Especially in the countries we hope to visit via our boat & otherwise.
If you like comedy & you like smart comedy that makes you think, you’ll love Hasan Minhaj’s latest standup special. We love comedy that makes us think & where we can all learn to laugh at ourselves no matter where we come from.
So hopefully, you might find something new to watch. We are always open to ideas. Although, we have limited time to watch. But let us know what you think we may like.
After holding us hostage at pawpoint, Zephyr makes off with the almond butter & stakes out under the table.
Thanks for reading & watching! We have full length stuff for you next week! So rest up!