Back In La Paz!: December 9th to 13th, 2024

We were so thrilled to get back to this place! It’s definitely easy to get comfortable here. I’m speaking of both La Paz & Marina de La Paz. The marina is so well cared for. And everyone on the staff is so friendly. There is a place to get your laundry done right there! And, there is a restaurant, with great food. And, there is a place to get rid of not only your trash & recycles but old oil too. And, you can walk to just about anywhere in the town. And, the showers get cleaned like 5 times a day & they have hot water! And, there is a great cruising community that comes together at a clubhouse there. And, and, and…..

Yes, I could go on all day but I won’t. We can totally see why people have gotten there, after years of cruising, & stopped & settled in.

The day before the wind invades the town.

The best place for breakfast! -The Dock Cafe! Conveniently, or dangerously, right in the marina!

Right after we docked, we went to brunch at the Dock Cafe! So yummy! And then just had fun walking around the town to get Zephyr some exercise & some for us. We thought we better get out & about while it was nice, as the next day was going to be super windy.

The next day, the wind came. I can’t iterate enough how nice it is to be tied up to a dock during the 40 knot winds that come through the area! So many people have to anchor out in the canal. There is a phenomenon called the La Paz Waltz. Where the tide moves your boat one way & then the current moves it the other way & then you add the wind into that…It’s crazy. Your boat will be facing one way one hour & then another way the next. People tend to drag out there. In fact, we did, the one night we stayed there last year. And if your boat doesn’t drag, the person next to you might have a boat that does.

In the morning, before the wind really picked up, we decided to provision. We went to 3 different health food stores! Such a great resource, since most of Mexico doesn’t have a lot of food that is health friendly.

We only got to stay a few days. We wanted to get up to Balandra Bay once the winds settled. But we had a wonderful time while we were there!


Here is the 1st of probably 3 videos we’ll have of La Paz. -Although they will be dispersed throughout the next several weeks. Don’t worry, they will all be very different.

Click on the photo above to watch us in action!

Zephyr reluctantly goes to my nail salon.

Thanks for reading & watching! Hopefully, you are all ready for spring, or autumn in you’re in the southern hemisphere! We are staying somewhat warm but Baja isn’t exactly toasty right now. Although, for the most part, it’s very comfortable. Anyway, until next week, go to your nearest park & judge the people that are feeding the birds! 😂


Snorkeling In Bahia de Balandra: December 13th, 2024


And A One, Two, Three…:December 5th - 9th, 2024