Wrapping Up 2022
Hoping everyone had good holidays! Wanted to just do a re-cap of this year. -Mostly just as a reminder of how far we have come since last December.
The month that a tsunami came into our harbor. It wasn’t as bad as the 2011 tsunami but it did mess up some boats & quite a lot of cars that were parked at the northern end of the marina. We were lucky. The waterline was up to the edge of the dock. Unfortunately, there were other docks that did suffer major damage. It goes to show, that even in a harbor, your boat isn’t 100% safe from the weather.
January 15th, tsunami. Can’t distinguish land from the harbor.
This is the month I let Matt know that I was actually writing a blog! Wasn’t sure how he would react but I’m glad he likes it. -Or at least that’s what he tells me to my face. -Now if I could only get him & Zephyr to write! 😁 Oh & yes, of course Zephyr already knew that I was writing a blog. He just didn’t care.
My partner in crime on the high seas!
This month we, or Matt, actually made a bunch of progress on a bunch of projects. Mostly our major engine problem.
Since the beginning of October 2021, we hadn’t been able to use our boat to its fullest potential. So it was nice when we actually got things started on ALL of the problems on & around the engine. Moving forward always feels good. -I’m ready to start feeling that way again. -We just need to wait for a good weather window. -Such is the life of a sailor.
The agony of fixing the engine & other hard to reach pieces.
OMG! We-Matt, finished up on all the projects needed to get done before we put the interior of the boat back together. It felt so good to sit at a table again to eat & have a sink to wash dishes & hands in! It was like going from a lean-to cabin to a studio apartment! I am very grateful for the space MerSea does have inside her. She’s a very livable boat when everything is in its place.
The galley & cabin get reassembled!
Well, we got Moss Landing crossed off our list. So we don’t need to do it again. And that’s pretty much all I have to say or remember right now. You can go back to the May blog titled, Well, It Makes For An Interesting Story…
Trying to escape Moss Landing!
Yay! Our first real voyage! This was a fun little trip! We couldn’t believe how warm it ended up being in Monterey. Usually it’s surrounded by fog. We were close to so many of the things that people come to Monterey for. However, our accommodations only cost $45 per night. -Well, that & the cost of owning a boat.
Monterey! -A successful voyage!
From trying to see fireworks at night on the boat, to trying to sail at night on the boat, this month it was all about being on the boat in the dark.
We could hear the fireworks from our boat. -That was pretty much the excitement of anchoring out on the 4th of July. Maybe we’ll have better luck next year? I guess we’ll see if we feel like taking the chance of possibly being suckers again.
Although the wind was very light, (later in July), we did actually get to sail. -On the other hand it wasn’t exactly a smooth sail. Little did we know that it would be good practice. -Showing us that we could keep our cool in stressful situations at night in the future.
1st photo: 4th of July Fireworks in the fog.
2nd photo: Leaving our anchorage in Santa Cruz to go for a little night sail.
Even though things had settled down a little bit with the sailing in August, it was exciting to have our logo made & to start this website! Having this website has made a ton of stuff easier. -Mostly just having a home-base to share everything with millions of people. -Well, maybe not a million at this point but I am for the stars, people!
We also got our re-rigging started during this time. SOOOO glad we did. I almost decided to wait to have it done when we got back from our trip. I think our trip would have turned out badly though if we had. Listen to the experts! They know things you don’t. If you want, even ask 3 experts. That way you are almost certain to get the sum of the best knowledge out there.
Our lovely logo. And our naked mast without it’s spreaders.
Oh, if only the beings in the pics below knew what they were in for the following day. -The 2nd day out of their month long adventure! We all seem so calm & optimistic. Hey, it’s a good way to start!
Since we weren’t able to stop over in the Channel Islands, we went further than planned & made it to Catalina! In essence, we went beyond our dream. So, Yay Us! It was an awesome trip! And we will be doing half of it again next year! -Great practice. If you want a more detailed account of the voyage, read the blogs from October to mid-November. There’s a lot packed in them.
The amazing Hunter’s Moon!
MerSea was mostly neglected this month. We had a ton of “home things” to take care of. Plus, the weather had gotten colder & so there was an obstacle in the way of our motivation. No, I don’t have any photos to prove that it was rainy or cold but, but…. It just was & you’ll have to take my word for it.
This photo is deceiving: The sun is shining but it is not warm.
Well, here we are at the last month of the year. I finally tidied up the boat! It’s been raining a lot more so things are put on hold for maybe another week?
So that was a quick summary of 2022 in relation to MerSea & sailing. Now the Holidays are in full swing. Parents are here. Birthday is coming up. But we are making plans & making lists of what to do next for our lovely MerSea & traveling on her this coming autumn.
Cleaner boat & making it back to the harbor!
Zephyr Shares His Spotlight With An Extra Photo Of Matt & I.
Thanks so much for reading! Thanks so much for your support! Hopefully we can continue to interest, inspire & entertain you all much more next year! -Until then…xxo!!