Lots of Time, Lots of Changes
Our Little Sailboat
We named her Foxie.
1. We bought a boat! - The biggest thing that has happened in the last year is that we actually bought a boat. -Not our dream boat but a pretty great start. She is a Catalina Capri, 14 feet, built in 1985, in great condition & only cost $1,000. I feel like dreams are slowly coming true. Matt actually was looking on Craigslist one night in May, (not totally sure what he was doing looking for boats when money was a little tight...) He came & told me about this boat he found. I was kind of in shock, as this wasn't due to any prodding of mine. But to make a long story short, we came home with a boat on Friday the 22nd of May & it's been a lot of fun! Oh, & we named her Foxie. - I'll explain at a later date.
2. I stopped drinking alcohol. - Almost a year ago, July 26th to be exact, I stopped drinking. Yes, my intoxicated days are over but my life is moving on to bigger & better things. (Well the frickin' Coronavirus came along & is putting a glitch in some plans but trying to do what I can.) Alcohol was fun - until it wasn't. -For me & for others. It's not super easy, but a lot easier than I expected to abstain from it. I'm definitely happier, more productive & can still have a fun time around friends who are drinking.
3. We finished sailing lessons. - We finished our dinghy sailing lessons & took keelboat lessons. We hope to take a coastal cruising class next month or when it's COVID-19 safe to prepare us for having a bigger boat to go cruising in.
4. We went to Morocco! - Finally, after wanting to go for about 9 years, we made it happen. We went with a tour group. -Our first traveling tour ever & a great experience. The tour company, Intrepid, is amazing! There were just 13 of us, plus our guide. Really a special experience. Everyone was awesome. Morocco was incredible! Definitely a dream trip.
5. I visited my sister & niece in the BVI. - In January I got to hang out with my niece, Ayla & my sister, Brynley. -Two of the most important people in the world to me. They live in the British Virgin Islands & I don't get to see them very often. And who knows when I'll get to see them again with the pandemic going on. Sad though I can't be with my niece on her 2nd birthday on the 27th. Thank God for modern technology!
6. We had to cancel our sailing trip in Belize. - It was a BIG, BIG bummer! We were supposed to leave on March 17th & I had to make the call to cancel on the 14th, just a few days before. I was already completely packed. We were going to be there with family & friends & it just killed me to not be able to go. My husband caught me bawling as I was trying to do Yoga. It's good that we didn't go though. The virus was just starting to get bad & countries ended up closing their borders & making quarantine mandatory. I know we made the right choice but it wasn't easy.
7. I started doing Interior Design again. - My husband, Matt, is a property manager for several different places & the owner wanted to start upgrading everything. So I am luckily getting design work right now. Really fun & fulfilling.
8. I canceled a trip with my sis & niece in the Pacific Northwest. - Did I say how much I love my sister & niece? Such a bummer, as it was supposed to be a girls' trip & we were going to drive around the Pacific Northwest & stop in different places. It's still too risky though & we are responsible people.
9. Black Lives Matter! - Yes! Let's start changing this country for good & uplift & help black persons in all the areas they are at a disadvantage & hold racists accountable for their actions.
10. And again - we own a boat!!!