What I Do While Not Sailing.....

I'm actually getting ready for a trip to France later this week. So have been scrambling around trying to get things done. It's good that I am busy as I would be wishing I was out on the water instead.

We did get to go sailing last weekend in the harbor. It was fun. Good practice. And the wind was fairly decent. Got almost 2 hours in! Definitely nice to practice outside of class with just the two of us as it really raised our confidence.

Today we get to help the keel boat level people with a race. Hope we do well! Then there is a BBQ after so it will be nice to meet more people in the sailing community. We'd love to cultivate friends with the same interests as us in our own town.

Other than that I am just trusting that all is working out how it should. -As long as I put my own work into things leading to my dream. Mainly focusing on France though. It will be my first trip there. Super excited! I do very well on vacations. Feel like it heels my body.

So this is short & sweet. If I have time & feel inspired I will blog. If not, it might be a few weeks before I get back to this. -Whatever will be will be.


Some Dreams Coming True & Some Changes


Little Miracles